Wednesday, June 10, 2009

is there comparison between jordan and lebron?

If you were to ask people, about 15 years ago what the number 23 meant, I bet they would say Micheal Jordan. If you were to ask people to day, they would say of course "King James". Honestly can you compare the two? I mean how could people believe that one is better than the other, if each of them never had the chance to face each other. Other people might even believe that Lebron is the best since Micheal Jordan. i really don't see the comparison between these two, if you were to ask me. they are completely different in many ways. i think people compare them because they have the same jersey number, and they both can jump really high. could he be the next Jordan? i know people went crazy when leborn James hit that buzzer beater in game 2 of the semi finals when they were facing the magics. i was amazed, i can't even lie i jump up for excitement when lebron hit that jump shot. its was unpredictable something that i would never seen coming, i was expecting lebron James to go for the lob, in stead of the three pointer. ON the other note, Micheal Jordan was know for making the game winning shot at the last minute cause his team to win. i wonder if there is anything that could make me change my mind about these two, i just don't see how you can compare men that played during to different time periods, and things have changed since mike was playing.

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