Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Race to victory

both the Lakers and the Magics are both every extraordinary teams that fought hard, long series to get where they are at. the teams had faced each other in the regular season, and the lakers didn't seem to do to well losing both games to them. In the first game of the finals,the lakers seem to be able to have out played the magics, keeping Dwight Howard under control with there outstanding defense. unfortunately for the magics they got blown out that game, and had to come back strong the next game. In game two, in my opinion the magics came back a lot stronger hitting more threes making wide open layups and trying to contest kobe, which obviously didn't seem to work.kobe Bryant is very hard to defend, is hard to stop him with his mid range jump shot and his ability to take it to the rack. with the score going back and forth the lakers seem to have out scored the magics in over time. i believe that this is going to be look at as one of the greatest series in time to come. in game three the shoe was on the other foot, even thought the magics were trialing through out the first half they came through and beat the predictions for the next game is that the lakers will definitely win, along with the series becoming the 2009 champions. hopefully my predictions come true, lets see what will happen as the race to victory continues on.

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