Monday, June 15, 2009

trevor ariza

every body pay attention the main three people Kobe , pau, and Derek fisher. what about Trevor Ariza? they are a major part of the team. through out the in tire lakers season, the lakers second unit had a major contribution. They consistently outscore and outplay the opposing bench. many people might think that Lamar Odom took control and out the second unit, yet, I'd have to admit, Odom may be the denominator of the second unit, but Trevor Ariza is the group’s star. When I see Ariza, I see a younger Kobe Bryant in many ways. That is something special in my opinion. Ariza has found his place in Los Angeles’ system. Without him the lakers wouldn't be dominating like they are doing now. Trevor Ariza as been averaging nine points per game, 4.8 rebounds, two assists, and 1.7 steals. That is amazing over a 24 min stretch. Trevor is a very young player, and like has a lot to learn and developing to done. perhaps he can soon one day can the be the next Kobe Bryant and take control of the lakers

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